

struct TimetablePage
    string name() const;

    term_type            term;
    bool                 alternate;
    unsigned             week;
    vector<CourseBlocks> courses;

Represents one "page" of a timetable. One page of a timetable contains information for one term (Fall or Spring), and if there are alternate-week sections in the timetable, just one of the alternating weeks. It follows that a whole timetable consists of two pages if there are no alternate-week sections ('Fall' and 'Spring'), or four pages if there are ('Fall week 1', 'Fall week 2', 'Spring week 1', and 'Spring week 2').

string name() const;

Returns a descriptive name for the timetable page, e.g. "Fall Term" or "Spring Term, Week 1".

term_type term;

The term (Fall or Spring) to which this timetable page applies.

bool alternate;

Whether or not this timetable contains alternate-week sections.

unsigned week;

If this timetable contains alternate-week sections, the week (1 or 2) to which this page applies. If the timetable does not contain alternate-week sections, this field is unused.

vector<CourseBlocks> courses;

Time blocks in this timetable page for each course being taken.
